After the members gathered in the school hall, a brief introduction of the Top 10 / 2012 and the teachers-in-charge. Members were then asked to form into groups of 22 according to their liking. During the group activity, the personal information form and BSMM item list were distributed to everyone and were later passed up. During this session, some groups played games in order to help remember each others' names. Followed up was the slide show presentation, in which was a sneak peek of the activities that CHRC has organized the past few years. Finally, a short ice-breaking session was carried out before all members were dismissed.
Missed our activity? Well, don't worry, we'll show you a few interesting pictures of what took place during the activity ^^
Our Muda, Eileen Lee, introducing herself to all members..
This picture shows the number of members who attended this activity..
A very grand view, is it not? ^^
A group photo of Group G..
a group activity in progress.. ^^
a Muda with the group members..
'and they lived happily ever after..'
as friends, of course.. XD
the best gamemaster of all times!
*applause* Leong Jeen Hern~
a member carrying out the punishment assigned XP
RUN!! RUN!! Run for your lives!!
(we're playing ice-breaking games...)
another grand shot of the activity!
Dearest members, awed by the photos taken? attend all activities yourself, and experience the fun and joy first hand!
CHRC is the BEST!
with love,
CHRC Top10