Saturday, November 19, 2011

Opening Ceromony of MRC Miri Chapter Training Institute

First Aid is an essential assistance or treatment given to someone who is injured or suddenly taken ill, before the arrival of ambulance or medical personnel.
The opening of MRC Miri Chapter Training Institute can provides high quality First Aid education to all community, meeting approved standards set by the MRC National Headquarters and certified by the government and organisations around the world

The newly launched training institute housed a theater, two meeting rooms, multi-purpose halls and other related facilities.The MRC Miri Chapter Training Institute provides First Aid training & courses to individuals, students, general community, employees of organisations, factories and oil & gas companies.

 The courses provided by the MRC Miri Training Institute are:

- First Aider in Every Home (FAIEH)    
- Basic First Aid with CPR
- Basic First Aid with CPR + AED
This enable us to be prepared and safety conscious, and able to respond and provide First Aid treatment in time of emergency.
