Thursday, August 4, 2011

2011 Inter-section First Aid and Foot Drill Competition - Wi5ive

There will be a Inter-section First Aid and Foot Drill Competition held on this Friday (5/8), Saturday (6/8) and Sunday (7/8)
Venue : Headquarters Miri
Theme : Wi5ive - Stay connected :)

Through the program” Wi5ive”, the members can:
ü    Improve their first aid skill and also marching skill.
ü    Improve the relationship between the BSMM members.
ü    Learn to face any emergency situations and use the first aid skill that they had learn through the competition when need it.
*All participants must follow the rules & regulations we set!

Rules and Regulations
1.       Participants must register before the competition start. If one team member is late to register/absent, his/her team will be disqualified.
2.       Uniform must be worn throughout the competition and prize giving ceremony.
3.       Participants are only allowed to leave HQ just after all participating teams have finished the competition event . Participants can only leave HQ with the permission from Organizing Chairman or Vice Organizing Chairman.
4.       Participants are not allowed to make noise (except clapping hands) while the others participating teams are doing their performances.
5.       Handphones are strictly prohibited.
6.       Participants must obey all the orders given by the seniors.

1.       Registration for participants will be done at the corner behind the hall.
2.      Name given during the registration must be worn throughout the competition. This name tag will be collected back during closing ceremony.  Anyone who lost it must pay RM 10 per name tag.
3.       All the participants must register on the time which had been announced / decided. Be punctual.

Wearing Style
1.       Participants must wear uniform throughout the competition and closing ceremony.
2.       Any reasons for not wearing full uniform are not accepted.
3.       Materials of uniform are not allowed  to be used for treatment during competition.

Appearances of Participants
1.       Long nails must be cut off before the competition start.
2.       Girls with long hair must be tied up properly.
3.       Boys with long sideburn and hair tails must be cut off too.
4.       Do not make up. (except for cultural show)